Benefits of walk and talk therapy
Outdoor therapy is good for those who may feel a little anxious or claustrophobic in a traditional or clinical environment of a one-on-one session in a room – the potential intensity of eye contact is removed for those who find it an uncomfortable part of therapeutic work.
When we move our bodies and shift our environment, we can think differently about aspects of our lives that have before seemed immovable. Being outdoors is a physically more relaxing experience for our bodies and, therefore, our minds are freer to open up.
Being outside releases endorphins and is generally mood-enhancing, can support weight loss, lowers blood pressure, boosts immunity, speeds up digestion, and improves heart health.
Walking together side by side also means a sense of equality and union between client and counsellor, along with the often hugely valuable silences in therapy that are much easier to bear for many people.
Limitations to walk and talk therapy
Confidentiality and boundaries – Careful planin and discussion needs to take place before the session regarding confidentiality agreements.
The weather.
Current fitness levels.